I saw a bumper sticker that offended me today. It said "If it ain't King James, It ain't a BIBLE!" I just have to wonder what these kind of people think when the either slap this sticker on their truck (yes, it was a truck) or even THINK to produce such a thing. After all, do they really believe that God speaks King James English? Well, if you read certain famous fiction writers in the Christian world, it must be so. Not only God, but any Prophet so annointed, even! When I get to Heaven, will God look at me and say, "Well Done, thou good and faithful servant"? Naw, I rather think He'll say something like, "Hey guy, ya done good. Have a seat." To a good ole southern boy He might say "Y'all come on ovah heah and set you down a spell. Been workin' a mite hard ain't ya?". To the Bud guys, He'll just scream "WAZZUUUUP!"
After all, there ARE other translations of the Bible, Earlier ones, better ones. Tyndale was jailed (and killed) for his work 80n years before ol King Jimmy decided he wanted to put his name on something for posterity. And Tyndale's labor was for love of the scripture, not for fame. Fr. Valera translated from greek into Spanish even before Tyndale did English! Why does 1611 remain the acme of Bible translation? *I* don't speak KJ, and when anyone comes at me talking like Shakespere in church, I start looking for the hand riffling through my wallet. I just can't seem to trust someone who will put their whole doctrinal focus on when a Bible was translated. It is a slap in the face to all of the scholarship and hard work that has been done in the last 400+ years.
All of this cynicism makes me wonder about myself a bit. What do I expect to gain from it? I bitch and moan and whine and complain, all the time with a sardonic grin that never quite stops frowning (according to C - I think she may be right) and all I seem to accomplish is dragging those within my realm of influence into the muck with me. One look into my eyes shows nothing revealing, then look again and in all of that nothing hides (not really) my own fear of being a bigot.
*left turn*
I can't stop being pissed at Mom. I WANT to (so I tell myself), I want to do the right thing, the christian thing, the thing Christ himself would do. But then, Christ himself condemmed those who would harm children. does that extend to not actually harming, but allowing harm to come to and not doing SHIT about it? Damn, I'm getting riled again. I hate when I get this way, I just seem to go round and round and go no-fucking-where. They got away with it. Pure and simple. Out there, walking free, are three cold hearted bastards who fucked me over. And what can I do about it? short of a killing, nothing. I reported it to the police - got zilch. OK that's not exactly true. But what I did get won't keep those predators away from any kids. I tortured myself for months (still am) and their consciences seem to rest easy. So what do i do? Press on, I guess.
What do I do with Mom? I can't ignore her anymore. If I do, it'll have to be an actice ignore - send the presents back. I told her I'd do it, but I don't know if I have the guts to stick to it. There it is. No guts. I guess they got fucked out of me a long, long time ago.