
A collection of my musings, angst, joys and sorrows, mostly for my own personal growth, but if anyone else can learn something, God bless.
********ON THE NIGHTSTAND(Books I'm currently reading)********
'The Gift' - Poetry by Hafiz
'Sudoku Puzzles' (I'm addicted!)


Almost over my computer frustration
now it's differently directed.

I started back to school this semester - 20 years since I had any math classes, now I'm jumping into advanced algebra. I hate feeling like an idiot, but that's exactly what the class makes me feel like. ALL of the homework must be done online (for this I get to pay an extra $140), but when errors are made, there is no one to help you find your error. I get so frustrated when the response is "That is incorrect. Remember to use the proper order of operations.", and the problem is that I added 2 and 3 and somehow got 9. arg.

Oh how I long for the days when I had actual human beings breathing down my neck!