
A collection of my musings, angst, joys and sorrows, mostly for my own personal growth, but if anyone else can learn something, God bless.
********ON THE NIGHTSTAND(Books I'm currently reading)********
'The Gift' - Poetry by Hafiz
'Sudoku Puzzles' (I'm addicted!)


ok, so it's been a long damn time since I wrote. I've been (insert your favorite excuse here, I'm tired of making 'em up!) The poem just did something strange to my mind. I went and visited the travelling Viet Nam Memorial Wall, and again, looking at all of those names, well, I just got a bit loopy.

AND the car saga is not done yet. Blew the heater core two weeks ago, C and I have been carpooling - THAT's an excercise in hell scheduling! One more damn payment. So do I make the payment and own a non-mobile hunk of shit, or do I skip yet another fiscal obligation and have a working vehicle? Aah, the questions I never thought I'd have to ponder in Mama P's class!

AND we left our church a few weeks ago. I hate, I mean really HATE that I had to do that.  Mad at God. I don't really think I was using the church as an idol or as an excuse not to stay on the path. I thought I finally found a church where I could learn REAL things. I thought my worship was repressive before, I've only been to 3 services out of the last 6, and didn't really give a rip one way or the other at any of them. Skipped and slept in once, went hunting once . . . has it really been 6 weeks? Man time flies.